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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bring on 2011

What are your dreams/goals/resolutions for 2011?

I feel I did not put enough effort into achieving my goals over 2010 and that I failed a little more that I would like to over this past year. But we have a new year about to dawn on us an I'm excited to see what possibilities are ahead.

So for 2011 these are my following goals :

1. The most important of all - Walk in Full Figure Fashion Week NY its my dream! I've done many things I'm proud of when my modeling career but this would be the cherry on top for me. Now I have to make this happen which will involved finding sponsors to get me over to do this and a label to represent.

2. Live abroad - Destination New York! I have the connections all I need is to get over there!

3. Make this blog 1000 times more interesting with more outfits (I need to get a camera and find more photographers to help me out more often), more giveaways, competitions, more variety and get more behind the scenes information about clothing lines etc.

4. Make a little money off my blog and put it straight back into this page. I need to get Curves to Kill a URL and a personalized email.

5. Loose 6 more kilos for a total of 14!

6. Be involved in more blogger events!

7. Just to be proud of myself.

So my goal revolved around my blog, my modeling and my bod! What are you going to make happen for 2011?


  1. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for FF fashion week. You'd be amazing!
    Wishing all your dreams/goals to come in the New Year! If you dream it...

  2. excellent goals! love the of luck in 2011!

  3. Happy New Year!
    Yes, more outfits please! I love your style. ;)
    My main goal is to visit my family in the states, and hopefully friends in Europe as well.
